This is a guide to familiarize yourself on how to interact with Hiebing's Madison alarm system. 

To disarm the building, use your door fob to unlock the primairy doors. From there, if you are the first person in the building, you'll be prompted to enter a 4-digit code. Use your code, the same as your door code, to disarm the security system.

Here is a video example to disarm the system. (NOTE: If this link is broken, you can find this video in Teams: Team Hiebing > General Channel > Files > General > Madison Security Training Videos)

If you need to arm the security system, you'll first need to confirm you are the last person in the building. Walk around and check conference rooms and rest rooms. Confirm each floor is empty before proceeding. Once you have confirmed the building is empty, you can arm the system.

Here is a video example to arm the system. (NOTE: If this link is broken, you can find this video in Teams: Team Hiebing > General Channel > Files > General > Madison Security Training Videos)

If you happen to come across the cleaning company, you can simply leave the building. They are trained to arm and disarm the building.

If you plan on working late or on the weekend, consider leaving a sticky note next to the alarm system informing others you are in the building. This can help communicate to others and prevent accidentally arming of the building. 

If you have any questions regarding the alarm system, or would like to practice arming and disarming the security system, please let IT know.


-Hiebing IT